In the heart of the Tarn, between Albi and Castres, in the town of Mont-Roc, Lake Razisse is an artificial body of ...
2,7 km - Teillet
At the entrance to Ségala is Teillet. There is a lot of cultivated land and wooded valleys. Bounded on one side by ...
4,3 km - Teillet
The Arifat waterfalls have their source in a kind of crevasse, more than 80 meters high! Nevertheless the waterfall ...
4,9 km - Arifat
Saint-Pierre de Trivisy is a commune in the Tarn, in the Lacaunais, which has a rich historical and cultural ...
7,0 km - Saint-Pierre-de-Trivisy
The Lake Bancalié is an artificial water reservoir, in the heart of the Tarn, between Albi and Castres. It is a dam ...
8,5 km - Roumégoux
22,4 km - Albi
Family time
22,4 km - Albi
Rest and relaxation
24,3 km - Castres
Culture and Heritage
The Castres la Borde Basse Equestrian Center, a pleasure shared with equines in Tarn-Aveyron Experience a unique ...
21,0 km - Castres
La Ferme des Grandes Oreilles, a horseback ride in the countryside in the Tarn Let yourself be guided by Sophie, a ...
48,7 km - Saint-André-de-Najac