In the heart of the Tarn, between Albi and Castres, in the town of Mont-Roc, Lake Razisse is an artificial body of water formed by a dam on the Dadou. Access to the lake is at the level of the leisure base. You can practice water activities and access play areas for children.
During your walks around the lake, do not miss to admire the Grandval Castle from afar, in a meander of the Dadou. This castle, when it is partly flooded, seems to come out of the mists and offers a cinematic setting for your walks. mornings. A hike takes you to the Arifat Waterfalls.
The lake is also a famous fishing spot, especially for predators. The town of Mont-Roc offers some interesting visits: The castle of Castelas, the Saint-Michel chapel, the old mines (access prohibited), the castle of Loubière...
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