Hiking trail in Masnau Massuguiès via St Michel de Léon

Le Masnau-Massuguiès
  • Starting point : Le Masnau-Massuguiès
  • Total distance : 17,7 km
  • Elevation : 514 m
  • Walking : 5 h. 10 min. Hard

Path of departmental interest which passes by the castle of Massuguiès, the charming little hamlet of Saint Michel de Léon and above all the waterfall “Saut de la truite” of St Michel de Léon.
Time 5 hours and 15 minutes - Distance 18.5km

This walk takes you to the sources of the Dadou in the more rugged highlands coexist with the forested valleys along the river and its (...)

Access the details of this itinerary on Cirkwi.com

Last update : 27/03/2025 à 02:46:20

Source : Cirkwi | Tarn Tourisme
Photo credit : @Cirkwi - Tarn Tourisme

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